Meet the Curators

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Curator- Deanna Carter is a professor at Austin Peay State University. Specializing in women’s history and the Victorian Era, Deanna loves providing hands-on and engaging experiences for her students. Having been involved in cultural history for several years, Deanna loves teaching the public about history!

Aviary Photo_130838118971776370Curator- Courtney Beard graduated in May 2015 with a BA in History from APSU. A long-time museum lover and enthusiast, Courtney hopes to one day pursue a career in museum work. Currently, she is looking forward to beginning her tenure as a history tutor with the Academic Support Center.

Curator- Alex Poppendorf is a graduate student in the Military History program at 2015-06-06_23.37.32APSU and Vice President of Phi Alpha Theta, a history honor’s society. Scheduled to graduate in May 2016, Alex hopes to work as a museum curator so that she can share her love of history with the world.

Aviary Photo_130838119311919794Curatorial Assistant- Larissa Dougherty is a graduate student in the Military History program. Upon completion of her degree, she hopes to enter a graduate museum management program in Cottbus, Germany. Currently, she is looking forward to working this year as a Structured Learning Assistance provider with the Academic Support Center.